

Aerosafe offers a range of education and training solutions to ensure we can meet your training needs. Aerosafe offers the following training courses:

Governance & Oversight Leadership Program: this two day program is for executives and industry leaders responsible for implementing risk and safety policy and practices and is delivered as an executive intensive course with the opportunity to network with other industry leaders.

Safety Management Systems: This three day short course is offered via Aerosafe’s suite of public courses in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This course provides the practical skills and knowledge to implement and enhance SMS within any organization.

Risk Management: This three day course covers the application of risk management process to the organization, how to conduct risk assessments and develop risk management plans on any activity, task or function within the organization.

Venture Risk Management: This three day course teaches students how to undertake an effective risk assessment on a new venture, key area of growth or change. At the end of this course, students will have a tangible output, a risk management plan on their new venture, which can be used by their organization.

Operational Risk Management: This three day course covers the application of risk management to all operational activities. As a key element of the safety management system, ORM is suitable for supervisors, safety professionals and line staff.

Defense Risk Management: This three day course teaches Defense personnel how to effectively apply risk management to Defense activities. An overview of how these skills integrates with Defense doctrine is also covered, making this course suitable for Army, Navy, Air Force and Defense Civilians.

Risk Management For Defense Acquisition: for the civilian and military personnel across the acquisition community and those in key project and program management roles, this course covers the application of the risk management process within the context of Defense acquisition and associated activities. This course is delivered via client based course for groups up to 20.

Crew Resource Management: Aerosafe has a range of options for the delivery of CRM training from a half day to a 2 day program delivered on a two year cycle. Built to align with regulatory requirements, this course is delivered in a dynamic way to keep crew engaged.

Human Factors: This five day course is available via distance education and is suitable for those wanting to expand their skills and knowledge in this important field.

Accident Investigation: Aerosafe offers a two day and a five day accident investigation course that introduces participants to the skills required of an investigator and to process the investigation.

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